Tag: happiness
The vows we made by the light of the solstice moon
In the ebb and flow of the tide, a pledge to change for the better.
Why you shouldn’t worry if you can’t always be happy
The pressure to be ever-upbeat can take its toll on our true emotions.
What the Golden Girls taught me about the power of being a friend
Some golden words of wisdom from everyone’s favourite TV foursome.
My fabulous new life as a senior ballerina
The sad truth is that people often lose a part of themselves in relationships. Or maybe that’s just me.
A life of dreams and drama for Kim Cloete, the troubled teenage runaway who became a TV star
Growing up as a bright and ambitious child in Bonteheuwel, Cape Town, Kim Cloete had her future all figured out.
How I swapped my shiny red convertible for the secret of happiness
As the carefree years of youthful indulgence fly by, who stops to give a thought to what lies on the other side of the great divide? One day, it hits you, and you realise that true happiness means having a plan for the smarter, brighter you.
The road to happiness is paved with good intentions
What’s the big difference, at this time of year, between a resolution and an intention? The big difference, with a little motivation and planning, is that you might actually turn your intentions into action That whole ’new year, new me!’ adage is really tired. The annals of time, and my ever-sprouting grey hairs, have made…