Author: Mandy Collins
The seven ways I’m detoxing my brain in 2025
It’s time to make the big changes I need to be the real me.
From sourdough to singing, my journey to the brand-new me
What does it take to find the path you need to follow in life?
Here’s to the good, ordinary people who bring such joy to my life
Who needs to win the Lotto when you have good friends in abundance?
I finally found the life coach of my dreams. Me!
Life can change for the better when you stop worrying about the what-ifs.
My no-turkey, no-drama recipe for making every christmas lunch the best christmas lunch ever
It’s not just about the food, it’s about the people.
How aunty Wendy’s money mantra taught me that enough is enough
A lesson in the art of turning scarcity into abundance.
Life is a lot more fun when you let go of the energy vampires
Spring cleaning is a good opportunity to declutter your relationships too.
The life lessons I’ve learned from my burnout
When the weight of your workload wears you down, and you find yourself battling to catch up with your everyday responsibilities, you could be in the midst of a burnout.
Why it’s not the end of the world when our old friendships fade away
Everything in life is subject to change, and that includes even our closest friendships.