Category: Life Improvement
How a little act of rebellion made me wake up and smell the onions
My senses came alive anew when I chose to put my phone aside.
7 little sparks of joy that make my day
From birdsong to forest-bathing to the Beatles, a checklist of happy moments.
What I learned about love from my season of self-preservation
It was a Christmas epiphany that changed my life.
How I learned to make peace with my mother’s secret shame
Healing begins when we shine a light on the hidden shadows.
Why I’ve decided to kick my loyalty habit for good
But not until I get the free frozen yoghurt I deserve.
This year, I’m going to be the gardener of my dreams
It’s time to put what I’ve learned about Ikigai into practice.
I’m finally getting rid of the guilt I feel for being a golden child
Before I can help my family, I need to help myself.
The seven ways I’m detoxing my brain in 2025
It’s time to make the big changes I need to be the real me.
How to give yourself the gift of a cheap and cheerful Christmas
The best way to spend the festive season is not to spend too much.