Tag: change
How I finally silenced the sneering, stiletto-heeled woman in my head
Let’s banish imposter syndrome, which keeps us from being who we are.
Change is a team sport
Bringing about change means utilizing all available support: family, organisations, individuals who cross your path. You cannot do it alone.
Why it’s not the end of the world when our old friendships fade away
Everything in life is subject to change, and that includes even our closest friendships.
“Haaapppppy!” – The beautiful and joyous rituals of a family Christmas
Few things bring a family together like the season of cheer and goodwill.
The four ways I’m changing my mood this festive season
It isn’t always easy to handle the stresses, strains, and pressures of what is meant to be the holiday season. But if you put your mind to it, there are ways to make it the best time of the year.
Excuse me, I need to speak to the manager about menopause…right now!
Change isn’t always easy when you’re going through the Change of Life.
The amazing sprint that changed the way we look at change
This shift, from a scarcity mindset to an anything-is-possible mindset, may sound too simple to be true.
Why I gave up my job to become a student again
In October of 2015, at the age of 34, I made the decision to “take a break”, by giving up my full time job as a PA and going back to university to do my Masters in Anthropology at UCT. Full time. It was a decision that was a year in the making.
Self-help for beginners
Changing your life begins by changing in your mind – and when it comes to getting a fresh perspective, the right books and ideas can make all the difference. Here are a few to get you started.