Category: Live Healthier
What farming the land is teaching me about learning to let go
Between uncertainty and faith, lies the promise of a better season.
Four easy ways to feel better about getting older
People are living longer today than ever before, but the quality of the life you’re living counts just as much.
Why I’m officially inviting Doctor Who to my 50th birthday party
The big five-oh is as good an excuse as any to start growing old disgracefully.
The one big secret to doing more than you think you can
Could it be as simple as flipping an imaginary switch in your head?
How I discovered the amazing secret to getting on with my teenage son
Being on the same eating plan, means being on the same wavelength.
Ate Food Diary
Ate Food Diary isn’t only for people who want to be mindful of their food for weight reasons.
How cooking for myself saved me when I was at my loneliest
In the rituals of food, lies comfort and revelation.
There’s a special place I go to hit Pause on the noise in my life
Why working in a garden takes you back to your roots.
Weighing up the pros and cons of intermittent fasting
It’s the new diet lifestyle everyone’s talking about, but what does it mean for your health?