Category: Exchange
How Akin Omotoso is busting the big myth of South African movies
The celebrated actor, director, and producer has been turning his passion for motion pictures into miracles ever since his parents gave him a movie camera for his birthday.
Holding out Hope for a New Bok Era
Zero continuity planning, instead a completely new approach every time. In effect three steps forward, and two steps back – at best. Most often four steps back, meaning that it has been incredibly difficult to take the South African game forward.
Talk to Your Money Before it Says Goodbye!
Money talks. It jingles it jangles, it rustles, it clatters, it ka-chings. Most of the time, before you can even get a word in edgeways, all it does is whisper as it waves you goodbye.
What Rugby Can Teach Us About the Fine Art of Surviving the Pitch
Having spent some time with the bid team – I edited the magazine that was left with the decision makers after the team had made their final presentation in London – I got some insight into how much work actually went into that bid.
Why the Rugby World Cup Always Ends in Tears
Ten years ago, in the stands of the Stade de France, I watched tears well in the eyes of a friend, a journalist by trade but a South African by soul. The Springboks had just beaten England.
What the All Blacks Can Teach About Being the Best We Can Be
Another ‘traditional’ rugby season has passed, and again South Africa’s national rugby team has been eclipsed by New Zealand, and Australia.
My Day of Tackling Change With Tomorrow’s Rugby Heroes
We want to drive transformation numbers in our professional teams, yet we are denying the very people we want to take up the sport in order to achieve that goal, the ability to watch said teams on TV?