Tag: Parenting
Let’s Talk About Career Planning For Your Child
Watch our latest Iris Session with David O’Sullivan, in which he unpacked your child’s career guidance journey with educational psychologist Lisa Anderson and radio personality and mom-of-two, Kuli Roberts.
If You Think It’s Tough Talking to Your Teens, Try Whatsapping Them
Their phones have been both a help and a hindrance in communicating with them. I can call Kid1 repeatedly from the lounge and get no more than an irritated “Whaaaa-aaat?” in response, whereas I can Whatsapp him and get an immediate reply.
The Anatomy of a Super Dad
True, the really tough responsibilities in the household may be the province of mom, but a good dad knows it’s his duty to take care of everything else, and above all, to take care of you. So give dad a break this Sunday. As he’ll be only too happy to tell you, he deserves it!
The Harrowing Truth About Father’s Day, by a Mom
The main thing to know about Parents’ Days like Mother’s and Father’s Day? They are not about the children. They are, for better or for worse, about the relationship between parents. So make some clear rules and stick to them.
Thanks Mom, for Teaching Me to Love Sport & Ignore the Haters
The representation of a sport-loving female demographic was always prevalent, thanks to my mom. I never felt weird or threatened for loving sport, because to me, it was just the normal thing to do even if you were a woman.
The Happy Hard Work of Having Little Humans
The first day back at the office was fantastic. I could make coffee, sit on my chair and drink it hot. I could start and finish a conversation with a colleague. I could have lunch and eat slowly. I could go to the bathroom any time I wanted. The day felt long and uninterrupted.
I Don’t Want to be the Dad Who Went Missing in Action
Aah, the complexities of the modern family. Being divorced – pretty happily, most of the time, but sometimes nostalgically too – means I see much less of my children than I’d like, or perhaps they’d like.
The Day My Daughter Turned Into Darth Vader
My middle and youngest daughters have been sharing a bedroom for the past couple of years. Their cohabitation has always been an uneasy affair, but it has devolved into all-out sibling war in recent months.
Like rugby, family life is often a contact sport!
In our latest Change Moment video, we take a look at some of the thrills and spills of parenthood – complete with play-by-play analysis from our passionate commentator!