Tag: Parenting
Why I Want My Son to Play Rugby
Putting your body on the line is a privilege. It is not state-sponsored violence. It is ritualised warfare, yes, but with rules. Aggression, channelled, is a powerful thing, which can move mountains.
7 Reasons to Stop Complaining & Love Your Teenagers
I’ve loved my kids at every age. (I didn’t like them while they were tweens, to be fair, but I loved them.) In many ways, these teenage years, meltdowns notwithstanding, are a time of miracle and wonder as I watch them grow into their future selves.
I’d Give Anything to Have My Annoying Big Sis Back
Your aunt died recently, way too young. Perhaps from your perspective she was old, but at 47, she wasn’t even close. She still had a whole lot of life to live. She still had dreams and aspirations.
How Two Little Bundles of Screaming & Joy Changed My Life For Good
If living with a newborn baby is tough and rewarding in equal measure, what’s it like living with two newborns?
The Lessons I Learned About Rugby & Life From My Number One Fan
Looking back at his dad’s unwillingness to accept anything less than the best from his son, there is a message that echoes down the generations, from player to coach to ref to the ultimate sporting fan…dad. By Sean O’Connor
The Big Secret to Making Sense of Your Teens
Given that every adult is a former teen, you might think it would be a simple, matter for parents to understand and communicate with their adolescent offspring. But life is a little more complicated than that, as our BrightRock Iris session discovers. So what’s the big secret to making sense of your teenagers in an…
Let’s talk about where your kids really are
It’s 9:30 am on a Sunday. Do you know where your kids are when they’re sitting right next to you? David O’ Sullivan chats to guests about the dangers of digital playgrounds
Why I’m So Happy to be a Helicopter Mom
Watching over your child like a helicopter may be frowned on in some parenting circles, but the real sin is frowning on other people’s parenting choices, says Cath Jenkin
3 Golden rules to survive the school holidays
Moms and dads of small children, it’s that time of year again. Screaming. Yelling. Tearing out hair. And that’s just you. Seasoned holiday mom Stacey Vee shows you how to avoid the chaos
The family meeting that changed my life
The rules said no alcohol and no criticism. All we had to do was talk about our hopes and plans. Then, we had to listen. On that Saturday afternoon, everything changed. By Sean O’Connor