Tag: Parenting
How Pokémon is Helping Me Raise a Healthy, Happy Child
My son, after playing Pokémon Go for just two months, has covered 126 km, either running or walking. He’s actually become fit!
Help! My Teenage Son Wants to Become an Actuary!
I was more than a little thrown by this pronouncement. ‘Good God,’ I blurted out. ‘What an incredible waste of an alternative education!’
When in Doubt, Mop up the Wee With Your Trousers
Only a mother on a time warp is capable of feeding herself, baby, pre-schooler, one dog, four cats and a parrot while microwaving baby’s bottlesand putting loads of washing into the washing machine and tumble dryer.
How to Make the Future Work for Your Children
How early should parents start thinking about preparing their children for the challenges of adulthood? In this article, educational psychologist Lisa Anderson answers some questions about career planning for your child.
What My Daughter Is Teaching Me About Being a Loud, Proud Feminist
“Oh no,” she said. “I don’t THINK so,” and then continued to rage on for a full five minutes about women and men, partnership, and equal rights.
Five Reasons Why You Should Let Your Son Play Rugby
Rugby was my favourite sport growing up. It was a big part of my youth and the upbringing of many of my friends.
Don’t miss our Iris Session about Starting Your Family!
Don’t miss our Iris Session about some of the challenges of starting a family. Presenter David O’Sullivan was joined in the studio by adoptive moms Alexa Matthews and Jana Zuidema.
The Happy Play-Play World of My Second Childhood
As a parent I am privileged to have children nearby – youngsters who remind me to close the door because “the dragons will come in”, and provide a gullible audience for fantasy.
Thanks Mom & Dad, for the Lessons That Helped Me Change My Life
There’s a note my mother shoved under my bedroom door one night. I should probably frame it. It lives tucked between two birthday cards, stashed in a file in my office. Every so often, I take it out, smooth out the creases, and read it.
How Strange, Scary, & Wonderful it is to Watch My Son Growing Up
You’ve been taller than me for almost a year now, and as I look up at you, I can still see the baby I used to be able to hold in one arm.