Tag: Money
Shhh, money’s too tight to mention
When you grow up in a household where money is the great unmentionable, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline to start the conversation with yourself
When the boks chase the bucks
Yes it’s about earning money, but in a team sport like rugby, it’s also about understanding – and respecting – the rich culture and traditions. Today’s youngsters could do with a few years of mentoring before taking up that all important contract.
Goodbye, loan arranger, & Hi Ho to the new money me!
I’m well known for buying unnecessary things. A spare car. Too much underwear. Hardcover versions of the softcover Terry Pratchett books I already own. From the extra extras to the pricy options, I’ve lived my life like there’s no tomorrow.
Ten ways to keep your money promises to yourself this year
Aiming to be debt-free by the end of the year or to make your first million will probably be off the rails by March. My strategy is to select a few easy to implement financial changes which still have an impact.
This is the year when I learn to make friends with my money
Budgeting is a beast that remains alone in a faraway cave. I need to coax it out, and make a frank reckoning of where I want to be, financially, in 10 years’ time. This will take unusual courage.
A 12-step moneyfesto to help you make it through 2018
I’ve drawn up a bit of a personal manifesto for 2018 to get my money under control. That means exercising not just discipline, but honesty with myself about my financial situation.
Talk to Your Money Before it Says Goodbye!
Money talks. It jingles it jangles, it rustles, it clatters, it ka-chings. Most of the time, before you can even get a word in edgeways, all it does is whisper as it waves you goodbye.