Tag: Money
How aunty Wendy’s money mantra taught me that enough is enough
A lesson in the art of turning scarcity into abundance.
How I jingle-jangled my way to a very small fortune
The childhood secrets of a coinoisseur who learned to love change.
The single most valuable lesson I learned about managing my money
When it comes to personal finance, small changes can mean big change.
The secret joy of rebooting your budget in spring
It’s time to get out those shears and prune your bills.
How to give yourself the gift of a cheap and cheerful Christmas
The best way to spend the festive season is not to spend too much.
Spendee gives you the tools you need to take control of your spending.
Top tips on… budgeting
Whether you’re saving money or getting out of debt, financial changes can be difficult to make. We get some expert advice from lifestyle financial planner Mary J Fourie.
How I’m learning to play the long game of financial freedom
You don’t need to be super rich to be financially free, but you do need to work hard and broaden your horizons to make that dream come true
How I learned to stop hating the money I never had
Money may not be able to buy happiness, but happiness can sometimes follow when you change the way you get on with money, and re-examine the role it plays in your everyday life.
The billion-buck secret to becoming your own blesser
There’s only really one sure way to make enough money to make your dreams come true. And no, it’s not winning the lottery. It’s a lot simpler than that