Category: Change moments
Shhh, money’s too tight to mention
When you grow up in a household where money is the great unmentionable, it takes a lot of hard work and discipline to start the conversation with yourself
How a wizard named Paul pulled me out of my poverty mindset
At rock-bottom, smothered by debt and anxiety, the call for help went out. A financial adviser answered, and that was when the money nightmare turned into a wake-up call that worked
Money talks, but I’m too afraid to talk back to mine!
Of all the conversations we need to have with ourselves, the money conversation may be the toughest. But all it takes is a willingness to look your budget in the face, and start with a little bit of change
My 100-Day Challenge to build a better me
Change is a slow and steady process of step-by-step improvement, all the more so when the object of your improvement is yourself. If it works, and even if it doesn’t it’s a process you can share with the world, by blogging and vlogging your way to the new and better you
The big, tough lesson I learned about myself when I finally quit my job
Going the extra mile in the workplace can sometimes lead you too far away from your own best interests. That’s when it’s a good time to ask yourself whether there is a difference between self-care, and selfishness
How a random exercise of kindness changed my life
Sometimes, when you’re in the doldrums, and everything seems to be going round in circles, the best thing you can do is get up, get out, and take yourself for a nice, long walk