Category: Change moments
The 4 ways I’m changing my mood this festive season
It isn’t always easy to handle the stresses, strains, and pressures of what is meant to be the holiday season. But if you put your mind to it, there are ways to make it the best time of the year.
The glitch that stole my payslip, and how I fought back
The first big step to realising your financial goals is knowing what you’re really worth. The next big step is setting out to prove it.
Seven super-silly ways to survive the silly season
It’s tinsel-time, and however you choose to unwind before the new year kicks into gear, try these guaranteed tactics for playing the fool this Yule.
The money lessons I’ve learned from my teenage daughter
Why imagination is more valuable than money, and other life-lessons from a thoroughly modern millennial.
The art of finding financial happiness by making yourself invisible
Being seen to have money is a natural human instinct in our status-obsessed society. But true wealth takes its cue from a deeper impulse to avoid showing off, and being happy with what you have.
The billion-buck secret to becoming your own blesser
There’s only really one sure way to make enough money to make your dreams come true. And no, it’s not winning the lottery. It’s a lot simpler than that
Why it’s so important to play the long money-game in rugby
In the world of professional rugby, players need to look beyond the goalposts, to make sure they have a viable career mapped out when their playing days are over.