Category: Change moments
How can I think of motherhood when my business is my baby?
When you’re trying your utmost to get your small startup business up and running, thoughts about marriage and motherhood must take second place, at least until the right someone comes along
Love is a gift that lives in my garden
It’s a place to sit and contemplate, to dwell on memories of loved ones and days gone by. But more that, the handmade wooden bench in the garden is a symbol of the healing power of love
How a little half-brick house slowly stole my heart, even if I still hate the tiles in the kitchen
Choosing a new home can be an exercise fraught with frustration, but sometimes, tick-by-tick on your checklist, the right home chooses you
This Valentine’s, sweety angel pie, I’m taking a sabbatical from love
Love makes the world go round and round and round, but if all that spinning makes you dizzy, it’s time to slow down and take a well-deserved break from the emotion that sets the heart in motion
I’m a black woman farmer, and this is how my life has changed for the better
It sounded like a crazy idea at the time, moving from digital content marketing to growing produce and raising poultry. But the harvest of lessons has been rich and abundant, and a model of what can be achieved by women who are bold enough to enter this fast-growing field
Why I had to leave home to learn to love my big, beautiful, messy, curly hair
In a society that views curly hair as something that needs to be set straight, keeping your curls is not just a political act, it’s a call to a revolution. Here’s a hair-raising tale of change, emigration, and liberation, at long-last, from the tyranny of lock-shaming As a new mom, I remember thinking that I…
What rugby is teaching me about starting my life all over again
The difference between being a victim of circumstance, and a tiger who roars into battle, lies in the way you recalibrate your thinking on and off the field of play
How I learned that moving home is like moving two hearts into one
It’s often said to be one of the biggest sources of stress in life, but if you approach it in the right way, for the right reasons, moving home can help to build stronger relationships between those who start over under a new roof
How I solved the mystery of the disappearing rugby girlfriend
The girlfriend who loves rugby as much as she loves her boyfriend, turns into the wife who forgets all about the game while her husband carries on cheering.
The Friday afternoon phone call that changed my life
In the unfolding of one stage of life into another, another stage of life begins. And all it takes is a phone call, a chance encounter, and the curious intervention of synchronicity