Tag: work life balance
Is it just me, or has everyone’s world suddenly turned topsy turvy?
It’s hard to find balance when you’re clinging on by your fingernails.
I’m a working mom. Here’s how I finally stopped the voice in my head from telling me I wasn’t good enough
Boundaries don’t make a cage, they make a guard rail.
The life lessons I’ve learned from my burnout
When the weight of your workload wears you down, and you find yourself battling to catch up with your everyday responsibilities, you could be in the midst of a burnout.
Life secrets of the Tuesday writers’ sisterhood
As we tell our stories, we learn to walk the tightrope of change.
The one big secret to doing more than you think you can
Could it be as simple as flipping an imaginary switch in your head?
The bright and happy little space that changed the way I think about work
Why work from home, when you can work from a garden shed?
The one big lesson I learned about life after getting my PhD
Happiness is learning to love who you are, degree by degree.
All right, 2020, I’m ready for my therapy alpaca
It is over yet? Well, not quite, but in the meantime here’s a plan to build up sufficient stamina to see the year out on a defiantly resilient note I’m at my desk. My to do list is impossible, everyone I know and work with is fratchety, and I’m about to tell someone to take…
The big secret of finding your happy place at work
The key to growth and success lies in looking at the big picture, and colouring it in with smaller goals.