Tag: inspiration
Bite-sized reads for people in a hurry
Enjoy this selection of short and captivating books in a variety of genres.
6 books that inspire you to change your life
More than just really good reads, these six novels are loaded with life-changing lessons for any and every kind of reader. Enjoy!
Why getting back to winning means getting back to basics
The SA teams in SuperRugby, apart from the Lions, seem to have fallen into a losing routine. Reassessing their basics could be the answer. How are they preparing themselves to get into the habit of winning.
Here’s to the friend whose shattered life taught me how to live my own
Rob, an old friend of the family, passed away a few years agoin his mid-60s, living a lot longer than his doctors ever expected him to.
Why I’m happy being bored while I’m working
In an age when there’s so much to do and so little time to do it in, boredom is seen as the ultimate sin. But in truth it’s the gateway to inspiration, says Tom Eaton
The power of positively thinking
In our fast-paced, hurry-up-the-ladder, get-out-of-my-way world, we rarely take the time to stop and think about where we’re going and how we ought to get there. A little reflection can be your secret weapon in business and in life, says Alec Hogg.