Tag: Health
How I finally nailed the art of taking care of myself
I learned to be the being in charge of my own well-being.
At my lowest ebb, a million hands reached out to save me from myself
When you need rescuing, all you have to do is ask.
How I’m getting my lazy bones into gear this spring
As the year treads ever faster towards its end, it’s time to lace up those running shoes and spring into action.
Is it just me, or has everyone’s world suddenly turned topsy turvy?
It’s hard to find balance when you’re clinging on by your fingernails.
How I learned to stop worrying and get on with my BFFs (Breast Friends Forever)
You’d think, after that experience, that the twins and I would have called a truce, gone for couples counselling, or at the very least, quietly started appreciating one another more.
What farming the land is teaching me about learning to let go
Between uncertainty and faith, lies the promise of a better season.
Instant Heart Rate: HR monitor
Instant Heart Rate does exactly what it says on the tin – it instantly measures your heart rate with nothing more than your smartphone.
A Fitbit is a personal fitness tracker, worn around your wrist, that counts your steps, tracks the intensity of your exercise, counts kilojoules and measures your heart rate.
Taking Stock
OK. What’s going on here? Why am I feeling this way? Let me take stock of things, in a cool and level-headed way.