Category: Life Event
A tale of Tigger, who licked my face and inspired a poem
How the simple swish of a dog’s tail can be a mood-altering metronome.
Lessons in liking and loving, from a cat called Catdog
Cats and little humans don’t always get along, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to secretly fall in love with each other.
A funny thing happened on the way to chemo: A rather unusual memoir
Finding out that you’re not alone when it comes to staring at a doctor in horror is a massive relief. Giving yourself permission to laugh about it is an even bigger relief.
How I learned to stop worrying and get on with my BFFs (Breast Friends Forever)
You’d think, after that experience, that the twins and I would have called a truce, gone for couples counselling, or at the very least, quietly started appreciating one another more.
A “Do this, don’t do that!” guide to supporting someone with cancer
They have you in their life because they think you’re amazing, so don’t change. Be you. Do normal things. Invite them to normal places.
The day I met the 101-year-old ancestor who forever changed my life
I can compare the experience to a Xhosa tradition called imbheleko, when a new-born baby is introduced to their ancestors for the first time.
“I’ve seen the inside of hell”: SA changemaker Catherine Constantinides on coping with change & overcoming trauma
Today she is one of South Africa’s foremost young leaders, an Archbishop Tutu African Oxford Fellow and a Mandela Washington Fellow, travelling the globe to call for action on human rights, climate change, and the empowerment of women and children.
Why leaving my children behind when I moved to another country was the right thing to do
It was the best move for the relationships with all three.