Category: Life Event
Never be afraid to ask for what you’re worth at work
A guide to getting ready for that salary conversation.
Why it’s so important to play along with your kids, even when they’re boring you to tears
Sometimes, you just have to take a deep breath and put your own needs aside.
I’m a working mom. Here’s how I finally stopped the voice in my head from telling me I wasn’t good enough
Boundaries don’t make a cage, they make a guard rail.
Why it’s not the end of the world when our old friendships fade away
Everything in life is subject to change, and that includes even our closest friendships.
I’m a lucky mom. I have a loving family. So why am I on anti-anxiety meds?
The hardest part of motherhood is finding the courage to ask for help.
“Haaapppppy!” – The beautiful and joyous rituals of a family Christmas
Few things bring a family together like the season of cheer and goodwill.
What kind of Christmas tree are you?
From Grand Traditional with all the trimmings, to hipster-style minimalism, the Christmas tree in your lounge says as much about you as it does about your Christmas itself, writes Lena Dunham.