Author: Sean O’Connor
My Zen Master has curly golden hair & a wet nose
Every dog, in its come-what-may doggedness, has a lot to teach us mere humans about the art of living in the here and now.
Thank you, dad, for the Do-It-Yourself advice that forever changed my life
It had nothing to do with fixing a house, and everything to do with building a home.
Stella, the star whose light still shines for me in the darkest times
There’s never any shame in asking for help, and other lessons from a role-model grandmother.
The awkward talk that brought our fractured family back together
When a radical idea evolved into a practical proposition, it was time to have the most difficult conversation about family matters.
The essential joys of learning to go without
If the lockdown is teaching us anything about life, it’s teaching us that the things we regard as necessities in life, are often the things we can do without.
We will not be together like this, ever again
Being stuck in lockdown with a bored and restless teenager may sound like a parenting nightmare, but it can also be a vital and rare opportunity to build new bridges of understanding between the generations.
Why I’m detoxing my life, beginning with that big mess in the Tupperware cupboard
You don’t need to a be a disciple of Marie Kondo to appreciate the joys of tidying up, no matter how long it may take you to get around to it.
The one simple calendar trick that helped me change the way I work
Whether your goal is to drive a fancy new car or shed a little of that post-holiday weight, a plan is just a dream that you work on, one small step at a time.
Here’s to Christmas, a time of crackers, beetroot juice, stupid paper crowns, and love
In an age of change, there’s always good reason to cherish the unchanging rituals of the Bog Family Christmas.
My secret life as an undercover posy-picker
It’s that blooming time of year, when flowers spring up, like old friends, to remind us of the brighter things in life