Author: Sean O’Connor
The lessons I’ve learned about the love that never dies.
As I grow older, I realise that death is part of my design.
Moving house was a nightmare, but it helped me to find myself
In every dream home, there’s room for a new beginning.
The prizegiving speech that taught me the meaning of gratitude
Life changes when you learn to be grateful for what you’ve got.
Life changes for the better when you play it as a game
It’s even more fun if you make up the rules as you go along.
How I nearly kicked the bucket in a Swedish death decluttering bonfire
Take care when you set out to abandon your excess earthly possessions.
How cooking for myself saved me when I was at my loneliest
In the rituals of food, lies comfort and revelation.
Love, not fear, is why we need to save for tomorrow
Setting aside money for the future is an act of caring for those you love, by caring for yourself too.