Tag: love
Sharlotte Wilson, the Arty Angel of Heidedal
Through helping others find beauty, she makes herself feel whole again.
The vows we made by the light of the solstice moon
In the ebb and flow of the tide, a pledge to change for the better.
Yes, we’re a mixed couple, but don’t take us at face value
Diversity isn’t black and white, it’s in the little details that define us.
The ice-cold dip that opened my eyes to the life I really wanted
Sometimes you have to swim against the tide to find yourself.
Life in a women’s shelter taught me the meaning of hope and grace
In seeking refuge from the world outside, we found a way to be ourselves.
Here’s to the good, ordinary people who bring such joy to my life
Who needs to win the Lotto when you have good friends in abundance?
It took a baby kangaroo to make me say “yes” to the Aussie in the yak hat
Sometimes, love is a leap and bound of faith.
The patches of love that helped heal my aching heart
At my lowest ebb, it was the comfort of strangers that kept me going.
“Haaapppppy!” – The beautiful and joyous rituals of a family christmas
Few things bring a family together like the season of cheer and goodwill.
A toast to the ghosts of christmas lunches past
And a celebration of those who still grace us with their presence.