Tag: gratitude
I won’t let the bullies and demons of my past defeat me
What I’ve learned from the battles that changed my life.
The greatest present I gave myself on my birthday
Learning to be grateful freed me from the shame of self-destruction.
The prize giving speech that taught me the meaning of gratitude
Life changes when you learn to be grateful for what you’ve got.
Thank you, Victor, for reminding me that I have so much to be thankful for
Even in his wheelchair, he hasn’t lost his attitude of gratitude.
How three little words from the Archbishop changed my life for the good
I’ll always be grateful for his wise and wry advice.
When life gives you lemons, put them in your Happy Jar
What three things are you grateful for today?
Delightful is as its name suggests – a delightfully simple gratitude journal that makes it easy for you to make gratitude a habit.