Tag: Debt
How aunty Wendy’s money mantra taught me that enough is enough
A lesson in the art of turning scarcity into abundance.
How I conquered my money anxiety to learn the great secret of financial freedom
Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but its absence can certainly cause you stress. The big challenge is to find a way of spending less than you earn, and knowing when enough is enough
The money lessons I’ve learned from my teenage daughter
Why imagination is more valuable than money, and other life-lessons from a thoroughly modern millennial.
Money talks, but I’m too afraid to talk back to mine!
Of all the conversations we need to have with ourselves, the money conversation may be the toughest. But all it takes is a willingness to look your budget in the face, and start with a little bit of change
How You Can Avoid Financial Armageddon This Year
I would love to find the household whose living expenses only increased 6.3% over the last year. What I do know is that our household expenses have increased on average by at least 10%, if I take into account the rise in the price of petrol, electricity, school fees, medical aid contributions and our monthly…
Yes, there is life after debt
Your life changes in big and small ways when you’re forced to give up your spendthrift habits and adjust to a more frugal existence. By Linette Retief
What it’s like to be young, black, and heavily in debt
Starting your first job is major milestone in life, but the milestone can turn into a millstone when you set out to live the high life and land yourself in debt. By Pamela Mkhize
Don’t let your debt drag you down!
Many households are feeling the pinch thanks to interest rate hikes and inflation. Part of this pinch is struggling to manage debt. What should be prioritised? Letitia Watson shares some thoughts (and facts).