Tag: career
The deep dive that fixed the puzzle pieces of my life
Imagination, wisely used, can be a superpower.
A toast to the childhood dream that made me a teacher
In sharing what we know with others, we learn more about ourselves.
How I learned to love the pressure that turns a flower into steel
Working in a busy newsroom humbled and empowered me.
How I learned to stop worrying, and fall in love with uncertainty
If it’s true that anything can and will go wrong, then it’s equally true that it won’t.
I finally found the life coach of my dreams. Me!
Life can change for the better when you stop worrying about the what-ifs.
Why I gave up my job to become a student again
In October of 2015, at the age of 34, I made the decision to “take a break”, by giving up my full time job as a PA and going back to university to do my Masters in Anthropology at UCT. Full time. It was a decision that was a year in the making.
The secret joys of staying in your comfort zone
There is definitely comfort to be had in cycles of habit and personal rituals. Scanning the news daily every morning is one of mine, always with a cup of coffee of course.
The things I learned about life, change, & balance by embracing independence
Independence is a wonderful and alluring thing. But there’s a catch. With independence, comes risk and consequences. So it isn’t always the easiest way to live life.