Tag: Budget
How to give yourself the gift of a cheap and cheerful Christmas
The best way to spend the festive season is not to spend too much.
The secret joy of rebooting your budget in spring
It’s time to get out those shears and prune your bills.
Spendee gives you the tools you need to take control of your spending.
Marriage is an emotional and financial package deal
Five key financial matters you need to consider before flying off on your honeymoon MARRIAGE is not only about taking care of each other’s emotional well-being, but also your mutual financial well-being. So while you’re planning a lifetime partnership with your loved one, here are five financial questions to ask once you’ve popped the question:…
Loss of income is dangerously underestimated
You are nine times more likely to have a temporary disability than to have your car stolen or hijacked in SA, Brad Toerien, CE of life insurer FMI says. Most people don’t think twice about insuring their car, but few consider protecting the income that makes paying for it possible, he says. It costs about…
Goodbye, loan arranger, & Hi Ho to the new money me!
I’m well known for buying unnecessary things. A spare car. Too much underwear. Hardcover versions of the softcover Terry Pratchett books I already own. From the extra extras to the pricy options, I’ve lived my life like there’s no tomorrow.
Happiness is driving off in a car you bought for cash
Determined not to incur more debt, it started with putting a little away each month. Which sounds simple, but in reality, it often meant doubting we’d get to the end of the month on the little that remained of my salary.
Ten ways to keep your money promises to yourself this year
Aiming to be debt-free by the end of the year or to make your first million will probably be off the rails by March. My strategy is to select a few easy to implement financial changes which still have an impact.
This is the year when I learn to make friends with my money
Budgeting is a beast that remains alone in a faraway cave. I need to coax it out, and make a frank reckoning of where I want to be, financially, in 10 years’ time. This will take unusual courage.