Category: Life Event
The high cost of living rent-free at home
Moving back home was great. I still had my space, but most of all, I did not have to worry about paying rent. Things changed though when my nephew came to join me in 2017, while pursuing his university studies. Just like that, my independence was gone.
Why August is such a grumpy month, & how to fix it
There is only one topic I am ever interested in addressing during this month of women gathering over champagne breakfasts. It is the understanding and appreciation of femininity.
The lessons my daughters are teaching me about letting go of fear
The 19-year-old can drive. She goes out with her friends and disappears for hours on end. And it’s not exactly empty nest syndrome, because she still lives at home, but there’s a definite separation that’s happened.
The year away from home that changed my life & changed my game
In the quest for independence, is it not amazing how we all wish our lives away? Oh so eager to leave home, so we can make decisions sans parental “Interference”. Yet hindsight tells us how good those carefree, decision-free times actually were.
The lesson I learned from Yaya, the painter who never came back
After once hearing it said that your quality of life can be measured by the communities you belong in, I have realised that I am very well, even wealthy, in the glow of my neighbourhood. We know each other.
The close shave that brought me & my teenage son together
His mom had procured him a four blade swivel razor, like something out of Star Wars. He scrapes his chin and another being emerges.
An independent adult’s guide to getting hopelessly lost in the desert
There’s a ghost town at Sharjah just outside Dubai, at a place on the map where a whole lot of nothing fills the view forever. The tiny outpost has drowned in the dusky red dunes over the years, abandoned now so that only the odd building rises half-heartedly through the sand.