Category: Life Event
The day I shook the hand of a mythical man named Madiba
All the children, lined up at the back of the church. He had wanted to greet each and every one personally.
The things I learned about life, change, & balance by embracing independence
Independence is a wonderful and alluring thing. But there’s a catch. With independence, comes risk and consequences. So it isn’t always the easiest way to live life.
I dreamed of being Rocky or Scarface, but now I’m just happy being a hero to my kids
“Don’t look to me, kid. I have no idea what I’m doing!” Does she have any idea what a klutz I really am?
The smoothies were a failure, but now I’m washing my way to fortune
My job was fun and it gave me fulfillment, and I felt like I had finally found what I was passionate about. Then I became restless again. I wanted to stretch myself more, do more than sit on the red couch and ask questions, but the environment wasn’t conducive for that.
Why rugby is the ultimate role-model for success in business & in life
Like all team sports, rugby makes you appreciate fact that life is not always fair. Your personal success often depends on someone else doing what they are supposed to do.
Here’s to the good teachers who change our lives for the better
Watching my son progress through the schooling system has been an occasion for rage and despair, as he has weaved between the star teachers.
Life in the fun factory, where the juggle is real
Apart from having a full time job, I’m also an on-demand food distributor, wife, nurse, cleaner, taxi driver, jungle gym, wallet, YouTube operator, human body warmer, event planner, referee, book reader, nappy changer, dresser, story teller, singer, dancer, and jogger with a stroller.