Category: Starting a Family
9 Bold & Brave Ways to Make the World a Less Scary Place
I’ve been medicated for anxiety for over a decade, and I have always been pretty impressed by my handle on the issue. But pack on the immediacy and hopelessness of the world outlook at the moment, and even my anti-depressants are faltering.
Life is the art of making it up as you go along
One thing that people seem to realise is that improv is very good for collaboration and strengthens relationships. Personally, as I face a huge prospect of change, with my children attending school in another country, I use the first law of improvisation: ‘let go.’
Talk to Your Money Before it Says Goodbye!
Money talks. It jingles it jangles, it rustles, it clatters, it ka-chings. Most of the time, before you can even get a word in edgeways, all it does is whisper as it waves you goodbye.
Ten surefire ways to crawl through to the end of the year
How do we get all the way to the end of the year, without finding ourselves snivelling in the foetal position come January 1?
The Love, Joy, and Bittersweet Cost of Adoption
Adoption is not an easy process, emotionally, legally, or logistically, as two adoptive mothers explained during an Iris Session with David O’Sullivan.
It Takes a Couple of Million to Raise a Child
According to financial planner Sydney Sekese, it costs around R90 000 a year to raise a child, with the bulk of those costs involving education, clothing and extramurals such as ballet and soccer.