Category: Change moments
What Japan’s brave rugby warriors can teach us about embracing chaos
Rugby is the most unpredictable of games, with every bounce of the ball whipping up a whirlwind of chaos. But in the midst of chaos lies opportunity, as Japan’s giant-slayers keep on proving. What can they teach us adapting to the world of change around us?
Chatting Change Episode 2: How to have those tough conversations about your Vat-en-Sit living arrangements
Call it co-habitation, call it moving in together, or call it, as we do in South Africa, “vat en sit”. Either way, it’s a living arrangement that calls for a lot of thought, planning, and serious conversation.
I am who I am because of other women
Even in the toughest of times, their love and nurturing brought hope and order into a young girl’s life, and helped to transform into a proud and independent woman
Chatting Change Episode 1: Actress & solo mom Philicity Reeken on the art of being a no-drama mama
Parenting, as any parent will tell you, in-between the abundant joys and rewards, is drama.
Jonathan Kaplan, SA’s best-loved whistle-blower, on the agonies and joys of life after the game
It’s the loneliest position on a rugby field. In the heat of the battle, surrounded by opposing forces whose mission is to storm and conquer, the referee must maintain law and order with sharp eyes, deep knowledge, swift reflexes, intense fitness, and a skin thick enough to withstand a barrage of catcalls from the crowd. …
Why the Rugby World Cup makes me wish I was a dad
There’s something about rugby’s greatest spectacle that brings out paternal feelings, even if you’re just watching on the couch from home
Gay, happy and pregnant with twins
Twins. Double the Blessing for these Dads! This week in our Baby Brunch podcast, We chat to a Dad, who just found out that they are expecting again. This time pregnant with Twins. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock. Content hosted by
The day I discovered the life-secrets of the naughty girl who grew up to be my gran
Every family has its stories to tell, of quirky characters who lived life to the full and left a legacy of love, laughter, and lessons for future generations to follow
My Pregnancy and Baby Today
My Pregnancy and Baby Today is designed to be a constant companion throughout your pregnancy and the first year of your baby’s life. The App is split into three main sections: Calendar, Birth Club, and Tools.