Author: Cath Jenkin
How I’m getting my lazy bones into gear this spring
As the year treads ever faster towards its end, it’s time to lace up those running shoes and spring into action.
The magical, mysterious, flawed but powerful woman who made me what I am
She was flawed in many ways, but powerful in many more.
I’m loving the lazy, hazy holiday that my daughter worked so hard to earn
Holidays are meant to be savoured and enjoyed, and for this mom and her high-achieving daughter, they’re also a time to bond and take it easy before the hard work of the new school term starts all over again
The Friday afternoon phone call that changed my life
In the unfolding of one stage of life into another, another stage of life begins. And all it takes is a phone call, a chance encounter, and the curious intervention of synchronicity
How a random exercise of kindness changed my life
Sometimes, when you’re in the doldrums, and everything seems to be going round in circles, the best thing you can do is get up, get out, and take yourself for a nice, long walk
Face it, Dave, you’re my faraway role model, whether you like it or not
When things get hard, he works harder. When the call of change summons him closer, he answers. He is never scared of the truth, even when it feels bigger than the Burj Khalifa.
The lovely, lazy joys of being a couch potato family
If we’re feeling altogether slothful, it’s a race to the couch for who gets the best spot, and who picks the movie. Sometimes, if we’re exceptionally lucky, our dogs will even let us enjoy the full couch experience, instead of snuggling in with us. Sometimes, but not often.
The sweet pain of trying to catch up with your teen
Parenting rattles you. We spend the first few years desperately trying to provide the most nurturing foundation for life. Then, seemingly overnight, we’re flung into the world of the tweens, and almost everything we were supposed to hold on to, we must let go of.
Just Say “No” to November!
You’ll know Novemberitis by the way you suddenly have zero desire to rack up those fitness points, and rather look forward to binge-watching Hallmark movies on the weekend.