Tag: Video
Up close with Tracey Lange, the law student who chatted & sang her way to a modern multimedia career
On the cusp of exciting new opportunities and new challenges, Tracey sat down with Ruda for a chat about work, change, independence, and the fine art of seizing the moment and making life work.
The maverick journey of Marianne Thamm, storyteller, standup comedian, and bearer of witness
A candid and illuminating chat about life on the frontline, touching as well on the joys and challenges of motherhood, her sideline career as a standup comedian, and the reasons why she always finds herself drawn back to South Africa, the land of infinite stories.
Meet Louise Carver, the breakthrough SA singer who bumped Rihanna off the dance charts
The singer and songwriter took time to sit down with Ruda for a candid and revealing chat about the ups and downs of show business, the lessons she has learned from a trail of troubled and broken relationships, and the joys of moving from her Cape Town home to become a fully-fledged Johannesburger.