Tag: #LoveChange
Are you ready to give the story of your life a rewrite?
When you change the metaphor, you can change your life.
I finally found the life coach of my dreams. Me!
Life can change for the better when you stop worrying about the what-ifs.
Even in the darkness, my feet will find somewhere to land
What I’ve learned about daring to take leaps into the great unknown.
Why I’ve chosen to make sweet music from the lemons life has thrown at me
It’s never too late to start a new overture.
It took a baby kangaroo to make me say “yes” to the Aussie in the yak hat
Sometimes, love is a leap and bound of faith.
The lesson I learned on the day I jumped off a roof for a childhood dare
It was a leap of faith that opened my eyes to the power of change.
Life in Joburg can be tough, but in Brixton, I’ve found my sweet spot
It’s the home of my heart, and the heart of my home.
Find yourself friends who can help you go far in life
From yoga to writing to emergencies, these are my people.
The patches of love that helped heal my aching heart
At my lowest ebb, it was the comfort of strangers that kept me going.
I would do anything for the Monday afternoon crew who saved me from myself
Knowing you’re not alone is the first step to changing your life.