Tag: Life lessons
The life lessons you learn when your layer cake flops
Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too, but first you’ve got to bake it.
Are you ready to give the story of your life a rewrite?
When you change the metaphor, you can change your life.
The lessons I’m learning about work from typing up other people’s CVs
Every job is a learning opportunity.
The prizegiving speech that taught me the meaning of gratitude
Life changes when you learn to be grateful for what you’ve got.
What I learned from one strange night in a backpackers’ lodge in Bangkok
Solo travel has its joys, as well as its oddities.
The one simple calendar trick that helped me change the way I work
Whether your goal is to drive a fancy new car or shed a little of that post-holiday weight, a plan is just a dream that you work on, one small step at a time.
What Japan’s brave rugby warriors can teach us about embracing chaos
Rugby is the most unpredictable of games, with every bounce of the ball whipping up a whirlwind of chaos. But in the midst of chaos lies opportunity, as Japan’s giant-slayers keep on proving. What can they teach us adapting to the world of change around us?
5 Life-Lessons We Can All Learn From Rugby
Sport is great for team building and fitness, it’s a nice distraction from reality, and it makes our weekends more entertaining. Most of all, though, sport teaches us some important life lessons.