Tag: Life insurance
Talk to your children, dammit!
They might have everything money can buy, but some of these “privileged” kids actually are deprived of the things that really matter, writes Mandy Collins
The power of positively thinking
In our fast-paced, hurry-up-the-ladder, get-out-of-my-way world, we rarely take the time to stop and think about where we’re going and how we ought to get there. A little reflection can be your secret weapon in business and in life, says Alec Hogg.
Oh no, my pants are on fire again!
Should we always, honestly, tell the absolute, literal truth to our children? Sometimes, telling a little lie to a little one can be the lesser of two weevils, argues Mom in Progress Kagiso Msimango.
How to boost productivity at work
It’s fair to say productivity at work boils down to ‘different strokes for different folks’.
The top 5 tips for selling your home
There are thousands of tips on how best to sell your home. Some, such as keeping a vanilla pod boiling on the stove (homely smells apparently help a property sell faster) seem a little over the top, so we narrowed it down to the five best ways to help you get the most out of…
Why buying that house might be a mistake
There are times where looking for a new home feels like being lost in a desert. Then, suddenly, an oasis.
The story behind the girl who couldn’t say no
Tracy Engelbrecht was only 15 years old when she became a mom. Thanks to the support of her family, she managed to finish school, study and become a career woman while raising her son, who is now 20 years old.