Category: Dave’s Blog
A letter from Dave
You can tell we’re going to be the next Kim and Kanye, that I’ll put a massive rock on her finger on top of the Eiffel Tower and have a very expensive wedding in a picturesque Italian village overlooking the Mediterranean.
Today, Dave needs help with….
This is Dave’s Big Break – he’s a sports reporter for eNCA and he’s travelling in Brazil for the first time. There are times when Dave needs help, and now is one such time.
Teach them to Toyi-Toyi
As a true supporter of South Africa (the host of the best world cup ever) Dave is obviously on a mission to educate people about our country and our heritage. The ability to Toyi-Toyi effectively is obviously a critical part of that – it’s this skill that Dave hopes to introduce to the Sao Paulo…
Brazil hosts like we play soccer
The best thing about travelling to Brazil is that you don’t need a visa when you travel on a South African passport. This is fantastic because, as a person who used to hold only a Ugandan passport, visa offices are like a firing squad to me.
Pedro the Rapper
So it seems that Dave’s interests are not purely sports related, he’s determined to find Pedro the pint sized child rap star. If he pulls this off we could have some amazing footage from Brazil. Lights, Camera, Action, Dawg!
The Postcard
We received this postcard from Dave, fairly alarming considering he’s only just arrived there. It’s going to be a long 4 weeks! At least he’s wearing his suit, that’s comforting. The thought of him running around in Brazil wearing only socks, a scarf and a vuvuzela was a terrifying one (we don’t have bail money.)
Who is Dave?
Starring comedian David Kibuuka, of Late Nite News fame, Dave’s Big Break – Brazil will feature daily sports reports on the eNCA channel (403 on dSTV) , and a buzzing social media stream that will chronicle our hero’s epic journey to the other side of the globe.
Dave’s packing list
We found Dave’s packing list for Brazil, the ‘Sports anchoring for Dummies’ was a little alarming, but we have to stay positive and be impressed with the fact that he’s taking his Big Break seriously.