Category: Exchange
Why You Need to Fix Your House For a Change
Every dream comes with a disclaimer, and in the case of domestic bliss, it is this: sooner or later, you’re going to have to renovate. Watch or read about this Iris Session to find out why.
Why the Boks Really Need to Start Boxing Smarter
The nature of the Springbok win against the Wallabies at Loftus Versfeld confirmed the lack of long-term planning within the Springbok team over the years.
Let’s talk about Adding Value to your Home
Watch our latest Iris Session with David O’Sullivan, in which he gets home improvement, to add value, advice from “Tuis” editor, Wicus Pretorius, DIY boffin Mandy Collins and Seeff Randburg MD, Chris Hajec.
Hi, My name is Tank, and I’m a Rugbyholic
At age 24, my rugby career was over as two discs in my neck (C4 and C5) finally herniated to squeeze in on my spinal cord and reduce my right arm to a piece of raw calamari.
Now More Than Ever, South Africa Needs to Win the 2023 Rugby World Cup
The tournament must be seen as an opportunity to realise objectives for transformation, and create a boost to the economy and general sporting morale in the country.
Life After the Curveball is Thrown
Gerhard van der Wath’s life changed forever when he was caught in a scrum that went wrong. A must-read Q&A.
Why Rugby Needs the Currie Cup Now More Than Ever
Even if you are the biggest of South African rugby fans, there is a good chance you will admit that the Currie Cup isn’t the drawcard it used to be.
Let’s talk about Life as a Freelancer
Join David O’Sullivan as he unpacks the trials and tribulations of Life as a Freelancer with comedian and Jack of All Trades Brendan Jack, travel writer Ishay Govender and Kirsten Kairuz from The Graft Yard.