Category: Crisis
What is postnatal depression?
Having a baby is supposed to be the happiest experience of your life. So why do so many new mothers experience the “baby blues”… and why does about one in every 10 of them develop longer-lasting depression after childbirth?
Can you really die of a broken heart?
A heart-breaking event, like the death of a loved one, can literally break your heart.
The love that I could never leave, & the forever love that saved my life
It takes courage to escape the trap of a toxic relationship, and begin all over again, in the light of a new love, a new life, and a new sense of self.
Home is where the heart heals, & love begins again
When a house and a family are torn in two, what does it take to pick up the pieces and start all over again?
How to build resilience during difficult times
Going through a hard time? Don’t panic; you’re stronger than you think. By building resilience, you can develop the ability to face anything life throws at you – and to come out stronger than ever.
Top tips on… dealing with grief and loss
Loss – be it of a loved one, a stage of life or something symbolic – is an inevitable rite of passage for us all. Clinical psychologist Sarit Swisa provides some expert advice.
Day of the Dead
A dear friend recently celebrated Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico. Thanks to social media, I was able to follow her every move. I choose my friends well, so I was glued to her feed as she did a pretty good job of documenting her trip. It was so fascinating and…
Instant Heart Rate: HR monitor
Instant Heart Rate does exactly what it says on the tin – it instantly measures your heart rate with nothing more than your smartphone.
SuperBetter makes you the hero of your own life. You recruit allies, embark on daily quests, battle bad guys (which can be things like “morning traffic”) and collect rewards (power-ups).