Category: Starting a Family
Hire Me, I’m a Stay-at-Home Mom!
Don’t be fooled, people. No matter what Then Good Wife would have you believe, you do not just slip back into the workforce after a decade of staying home.
Being an Adult Means Buckling Up, Screaming, & Enjoying the Ride
I laughed at how contrived I had become and how much fun I had missed out on in my life, I laughed at how it was over so quick, at how alive I felt and how I wanted to do it all over again.
Why the World Would be a Better Place if We Let Our Teenagers Run It
There’s something about the ‘in-betweenness’ of being a teenager that allows them to see things quite clearly, writes Mandy Collins.
Why I Want My Daughter to Grow Up to be a Ninja
I’ve signed us up for a self-defence class after hearing about it on a Facebook parenting group. I didn’t hesitate. This is essential.
The Sheer Joy of Watching My Daughter Learn to Fly
I watch, support and learn where I can, having recognised many years ago that despite calling her ‘our girl’ or ‘my daughter’, these children do not belong to me. I am simply privileged to care for them until they fly away one day.
The Kitchen is Burning! Quick, Where’s my phone?
‘”Holy Moses, the kitchen’s on fire,” shouted my husband, as the glass cracked in the kitchen door and smoke started pouring in (I’m not sure I’m allowed to swear in these columns. But…he didn’t really say Holy Moses.)
The Awesome Power of Hitting the Pause Button on Life
Hitting pause, an idea from a child’s game, now becomes an adult’s prerogative. It allows me to reflect on how to keep close the things I hold dear,