Category: Change moments
My Zen Master has curly golden hair and a wet nose
Every dog, in its come-what-may doggedness, has a lot to teach us mere humans about the art of living in the here and now.
What our pets can teach us about love, comfort, and joy
Through the ups and downs of life, they’re always there for us.
Lessons in liking and loving, from a cat called Catdog
Cats and little humans don’t always get along, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to secretly fall in love with each other.
“I’ve seen the inside of hell”: SA changemaker Catherine Constantinides on coping with change & overcoming trauma
Today she is one of South Africa’s foremost young leaders, an Archbishop Tutu African Oxford Fellow and a Mandela Washington Fellow, travelling the globe to call for action on human rights, climate change, and the empowerment of women and children.
Why leaving my children behind when I moved to another country was the right thing to do
It was the best move for the relationships with all three.
A room full of planets for the little boy who’s coming back home
For the first time since giving birth to our son, almost seven years ago, we are becoming “full-time” parents.
Life is a mixed blessing when you’re a mixed-up rainbow family
We are a family. Our bond is love, not blood.
What I learned about life when Mom and Dad moved into the garage
A year ago, we converted our garage into a granny flat for my elderly parents.