Category: Change moments
The 5 things that are keeping me sane at this crazy time of year
A step-by-step guide to making it through the stresses of Novemberitis, and beyond.
My Zen Master has curly golden hair & a wet nose
Every dog, in its come-what-may doggedness, has a lot to teach us mere humans about the art of living in the here and now.
Why a good role model can change you for the better, & inspire you to be a good role model too
Our role models remind us to look forward and to believe anything is possible, even when the going gets tough.
A No Freak-Out guide to keeping cool during the pandemic
Feeling anxious, under pressure, and worried? Try this guide to coping in a crisis.
What the Fresh Prince taught me about learning to love 2020
A sitcom hero’s vital lessons in getting by and making the most of change.
A Disruptor – Shaeera Kalla
Being a catalyst for positive social change is about challenging accepted conventions and institutions, and standing your ground with courage.
A happy house-hunting guide for the first-time buyer
Here’s what you need to know to make your dream home come true.
A Disruptor – Ravi Naidoo
The science of change shows that we all have the innate ability to reinvent ourselves if we are open to new ideas.
How I’m putting down roots for the future on our little family farm
Between the vegetable garden and the livestock pens, a family invests in the prospects of a brighter tomorrow.
I’m learning what it means to be a brand-new “smom”, & I’m loving it
Being a step-mother, or smom, as the cool kids call it, means having to adapt quickly to change and chaos.