Category: Archive
Hey parents, stop snooping on your children online!
You may think have a right and a duty, as a concerned parent, to peek into your children’s social lives by accessing their online status updates, chat streams, and text messages. Please don’t, says Raphael Bromilow, 17. His mom, Joy, adds her thoughts to the big debate below.
Memories Are Made of Us
There’s more to keeping track of your life than selfies and status updates. The childhood years fly so swiftly by, that parents need to make a conscious effort to savour the moments that will one day be worth remembering. By Cath Jenkin
Hooray! I’m free from freelancing at last
Yes, freelancing is a wonderful, flexible lifestyle that puts you in charge of your own destiny. But in these tough times, it’s even nicer to know, when you’re once again gainfully employed in the full-time economy, that month-end means money in the bank, and weekends mean the luxury of time to unwind. By Mandy Collins
5 Powerful ways to celebrate womanhood this Women’s Day
Forget Sisterhood. Forget pink-hued, feel-good marketing campaigns. Forget movie stereotypes, lifestage-cliches, and the patriarchal clap-trap of divide-and-conquer. This Women’s Day, says Sam Wilson, let’s celebrate the real strength and collective power of womanhood.
It’s tough being the Iron Mom of a Lionheart
Nobody gets a medal for raising a child with special needs. But for the mom of a Lionheart, it can feel like an endurance race, a marathon driven by worry, hope, and love. By Stacey Vee
How to survive your next trip to the supermarket
When it comes to cutting back on your monthly expenses, small change is big change. Try these proven tips, and you too could put savings in the bag. By Linette Retief
Courage is what you learn from just being yourself
Few of us think of ourselves as brave. Given a choice between fight and flight, we’d probably take the smarter, easier way out. But when it comes to the crunch, sometimes courage is the only option, especially if you have good friends watching your back. By Cath Jenkin