Author: Community
Why Every Rugby-Loving Caveman Needs a Man-Cave
Your man cave needs to be a self-sufficient decompression chamber for sports-loving shenanigans. Popping out to the kitchen every now and then will defeat its purpose in double-quick time.
How to Win the Gruelling Game of Office Rugby
The props are the workhorses who put their heads down and steer clear of the limelight. The fast-talking wings are usually found in the sales department. The flyhalves are those mildly annoying golden boys and girls who can simply do no wrong.
Why You Won’t See Me in the Kitchen during a Stormers Match
The Stormers Bug bit me when, by virtue of my job, I started to be invited to watch rugby at the Newlands box with a client. What started out as a ‘nice day out’ with my husband has ended as passionate love for rugby and what it stands for.
Why a Good Game of Couch Rugby is Even Better Than the Real Thing
And by Couch Rugby, of course, we mean watching rugby from the couch. If you take the time to set your living-room up for the optimal viewing experience, and you invite a few choice pals to share it with you, you’ll still be able to make the most of the Bounce. By Ben Karpinski
Why I Can’t Live Without My Whatsapp Mom-Friends
Schooldays are the craziest, most confusing days of your life, if you’re a mom trying to make sense of homework, schedules, and agendas. Thank heavens, then, for the other moms on your team, says Janine Dunlop
The question you need to stop asking, because it hurts
It’s the question that begins with ‘So’. And even when it’s asked with the best of intentions, it can come across as thoughtless. Especially when the answer is that you simply don’t know. By Hila Jonker
I love my bosses, because they’re just as crazy as I am
They say you should do what you love and love what you do. It isn’t always easy, but it helps if you work with people who recognise your worth. By Garret Brent