Gareth Cliff on the power of entrepreneurial purpose

He was speaking to Ruda Landman at our recent Connection Session, held on 18 September. The event’s topic was How to create your own Big Break. Leaps of faith, life hacks, shortcuts and advice from some who have made their ow n way. Over a delicious cheese-and-wine spread, our inimitable Change Agents, journalist Ruda Landman, businesswomen Adelaide Matlejoane and Kurisani Maswanganyi, and of course, Gareth Cliff, shared their personal experiences and sage advice with our entrepreneurial audience. Watch this space for more out-takes from this awesome event.

The transcript:

I think it was (Francis) Bacon who said that either you decide to make that change, or you let the change happen to you.

And I’ve also found that it’s best in those situations to consciously go about taking the risk – a calculated one – never a complete gamble, but to make that change before it gets made for you. And also to do it willingly and without being attached to the outcome.

Because I really think that that’s where you can do incredible things. And when your interest is not completely selfish and where you’re actually doing something, creating an opportunity for other people, when you’re building something that’s meaningful, that you want to outlast you and when you’re doing things that are on the cutting edge of innovation.

It’s a very exciting place. It takes away all that fear that you have when you’re an employed person and you go: “What am I going to do for money? Where am I going to live? How am I going to pay this bond?” And all those questions which actually you can escape. It’s really terrifying to do it, but when you decide to do it, it’s the most rewarding thing in the world because you’re never, ever going to be held back again.

And also I doubt that after that’s happened, you’d ever work for someone again.


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