Why I Can’t Wait to Take One Giant Leap Into the Unknown

GarretJumps_POSTEDIt may seem a little wild and reckless to leave your job without another job to go to. But it’s only when you take a deep breath and a giant leap, that you invvite change into your life, and revel in the energy and excitement of whatever happens next. By Garret Brent

Well, here I am, standing at the edge of change. I’ve decided to take the next step and find a new place to work. I’ve navigated my first real job successfully and satisfactorily. Without any major mess ups, a good few mistakes to buffer my mind, and a whole lot of learning. I feel ready.

It’s bittersweet, sitting in a coffee shop, reflecting on it all. It started with a small step to satisfy a university requirement – find an internship in media and communications, and you get to pass your first year, if they like you, and if you don’t mess it up. They did like me, and I didn’t mess it up.

The next step was saying yes to a full-time position with the company. Of course, there was no other answer. By the time they asked me, I wanted nothing more than to stay with this lot of crazies. I loved the work. I loved the people I met. I loved the experiences I’ve been afforded, and the opportunities to prove myself that I grasped with both hands. Such a strange feeling, this readiness, this sadness.

I’m leaving with good relationships. Throughout the process, I’ve kept it as my goal to maintain the friendships and mentorships that have been blessed me by this phase of life. Before I had took that first small step, I hadn’t really had many people, other than my parents, who were interested in seeing me succeed.

I’ve felt challenged. I’ve felt stressed. I’ve felt cared for. I’m walking away with solid connections I will have for the rest of my life.

Today, my boss put in the shared calendar, ‘Garret Farewell Drinks’, and I got a notification on my phone. The final acceptance alighted on me gently. I felt my soul say goodbye with a small smile, and then I giggled at myself for being so very Hollywood. And then I cried, just a little.

I shed a little Hollywood tear for a phase of life that had treated me well. I accepted that my decision to leap off the edge is the best one I could’ve made. All the more for the harmonious manner of my leaving.

Onwards and upwards, let’s go! I’m interviewing, I’m exploring new futures. I’m struggling with anxiety, and revelling in excitement. I wonder where I’m going? I can’t wait to find out.


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