Why saying ‘why not’ can change the way you live your life

I am, by nature, an idealist who regularly gets smacked in the head by reality. That has made me cynical, so I often exuberantly explain an idea, and then shoot myself down with a “but I can’t”.

That’s when my partner pipes up with a “why not?” and makes me counter my claim, working a way towards making some semblance of that idea a reality. We’ll twist and turn through the ramifications and, usually, I end up following through, even if it started out as a half-baked brain whizz.

This is exactly what happened when a new opportunity landed in my life, one that would see me devoting a little more personal time to a pet project. If there’s one thing I’m precious about in life, it’s time. After doing the usual heave and sulk while I convinced myself I was incapable of following through, I listened and I thought, well, why not?

I can probably blame-thank the Why Not rule for a lot of the good in my life. Throwing caution to the wind isn’t always the most responsible thing to do but, in the confines of this decision, it was absolutely doable. I had nothing to lose, except some time, which I found after scheduling space in my diary for this pet project.

Teaching yourself that it is possible to go beyond your comfort zone is great, but the real benefit doesn’t end there. It’s a lot more than self-indulgence when you know that a soon-to-be-teenager is watching. I’m always trying to pinpoint opportunities for her to learn new things or pick up a new skill, but the best way kids learn, is by example. So I’ve got to act on my own words too.

Will this little side hobby of mine be successful? I can’t tell you that for certain right now. What I can say is that it feels like I’ve been able to claim a little space in my life to devote to something I believe in, something that makes me smile.

It means something to someone far beyond myself and, hopefully, will help another person one day. For me, that’s more than enough reason to apply the Why Not rule.


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