This is how good parenting works

What do “good” parents GayFamily_300x186do?

It’s unreasonable to try and find a single answer to this question, but when we stumbled on this article about gay parenting in the blog HowStuffWorks, we found an answer that really struck a chord:

“The gold standard of parenting is two people with a healthy relationship who want to raise successful kids, and when that can’t be achieved, a single committed parent can fulfill that mission as well. Myriad variables can determine children’s futures, down to when they’re born, and research has thus far silenced parental sexual orientation as a make-or-break dice roll. From all of the statistics and regression analyses, a simple message emerges: Good parenting revolves around resource investment — a lifetime of love.

There are many more interesting points in the HowStuffWorks article that address the concept of good parenting (and gay parenting, of course), so read more about it here. But it all boils down to a single, profound thought that good parents can be anyone or anything, as long as an infinite amount of love is involved.

What do you think?



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