Be Ready Rapid Fire with Seabelo Senatla

Be Ready Rapid Fire with Seabelo Senatla

Rugby pro Seabelo Senatla whizzes through Coach Dalin’s quiz

What does a pro rugby player do when they’re off the field, forced to navigate and embrace change at home? They flex their mental muscles and get mentally fit by answering Change Coach Dalin Oliver’s rapid-fire quiz!

Change Coach, Dalin Oliver, is on a mission to test some of our favourite pro rugby players’ mental fitness and agility as they navigate their way through Change at home, during the rugby break. He’s giving them just 60 seconds to answer as many questions as they can during his rapid-fire quiz.

Find out if Seabelo Senatla has what it takes to get through all of Coach Dalin’s questions in under a minute! Would he rather nap on the couch or the bed? Does he prefer Nintendo or Playstation? And, most importantly, is he really faster than his wifi? Watch the video to find out if he can fly through the test as quickly as he can sprint across the field!