Just Say “No” to November!

If you’ve made it this far, 11-and-a-bit-months into the year, congratulations. You’re well on your way to the next available year – and if you follow these simple rules, it’s going to be a good one!

I rolled out of bed this morning, grumbled into my coffee and bemoaned my demotivated face to my husband: “I feel about as motivated as a soggy pancake…”

Unfortunately, soggy pancakes don’t pay the bills, nor are they at all tasty, so it’s a little futile for me to remain in that state. Instead, it’s time to gather my spirits and defeat the monster we all call: Novemberitis.

You’ll know Novemberitis by the way you suddenly have zero desire to rack up those fitness points, and rather look forward to binge-watching Hallmark movies on the weekend. Everyone starts asking you if you’re sick, because you’ve given up wearing makeup to work every day. You’re muttering “what’s the point?” while wading through your to do list and wondering where all that youthful January energy went.

You’re genuinely questioning the importance of your kid’s education because getting up for that 5am study session so that they can cram for exams, or attend another swimming practice, just seems so unnecessary.

Come closer, my tribe, for I have assembled a survival guide that’ll get us through to that beautiful day where we can – finally – turn the freaking alarm clock off. I’ll keep it short and simple, and you try not to fall asleep:

Number One: November is For No. Yeah, yeah, you’re wondering what I’m talking about and I’ll explain: kill your schedule. Say no to those things you don’t want to attend and, for the sake of your sanity, clear your weekends. I hereby give you full permission to binge watch Fuller House, and no, you don’t have to attend your second cousin’s opening party for an envelope.

We’re always so desperate to avoid FOMO, but really – November is the time to say No. Heck, they put the word in the month’s name, just so we could be reminded of this. Put the NO into NOvember. Conserve your energy for the things that really matter, and let the rest go.

Number Two: Take a tiny holiday. I’m not talking about a week off adventuring in Bali. I’m talking about taking a day off in the middle of the week; adding an extra day on to your weekend for a mini-break, or giving your kids the day off school so you can go to the movies.

Yes, I really did just endorse truancy – come at me, parenting police! Wait until the term’s tests or exams are done, and let your kids have a day off too. They’re allowed, you’re the parent, write the note. The good news is, if you are keen to book a long weekend away right now, everywhere is a little cheaper to go, because the high season prices do not yet apply. Now is the perfect time to run away from real life for a few days.

Number Three: Brace for impact. By now, you’re probably feeling a little like things have swung right out of control and your to do list just makes you laugh with misery. It’s time for Future You to take some responsibility for what needs to happen, so you can give Present You a break.

Divide your task lists, wherever possible, into Things That Need to Get Done and Things That Future You Can Deal With. That’s Future You – the magical being who will get things done, next year. This sounds like a wonderful exercise in procrastination, but it truly works.

Rather than floundering around, achieving nothing because your to do list terrifies you, you’re going to manage what you can this year, and get things done. Swiping things off your task list as you get those little things done will motivate you towards the finish line for this year and you’ll feel accomplished and ready for whatever 2018 brings. Ending the year with a feeling of accomplishment? Golden.


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