Tag: Sentimental
Goodbye, dear old plum tree, and thank you for the shade
What a tree you have been, dear Plum. You stood for our family. You stood up for us and supported our growth. But, finding myself alone in this rambling, overstuffed home, you must make way now. Things have changed.
Keep Your Hands Off My Christmas Tree!
‘What? That’s my tree! Hold it right there, you monster!’ I shrieked at him. ‘What kind of man gives away his woman’s Christmas tree?’
What I Learned About Life From My Grandmother’s Big Springclean
I could never put my finger on why I enjoyed the museum so much. Old stuff put up in glass boxes or hung from ceilings with dates and descriptions was not the best way to entertain a child, but I was intrigued.
Why the stuff of happiness isn’t stuff
It’s a truth that the more we have, the more we want – and the more we get, the more burdensome of all the ‘stuff’ becomes. Sean O’ Connor asks if it’s worth it
#MusicMonday – Songs that remind us of home
For this week’s edition of #MusicMonday, we asked some of our Change Agents to compile a playlist of songs that remind them of “home”.